Gym Roof Repair Updates

Gym Roof Repairs Update September 16th, 2024

We are pleased to announce the repair works to our gym roof will commence this Monday 16th September.
Yarra Ranges Council and Belgravia Leisure have worked tirelessly to make sure the repair work can be conducted with minimum disruption to our patrons. We have been advised the repairs will be completed internally in 4-5 weeks, possibly less. We will keep you informed as it progresses.
There will be a period of closure to the Gym section only from 7am Monday 16th and all of Tuesday 17th September. During this time, we will be relocating 90% of the equipment to other spaces within the centre for use. The Gym will be available to you all again from Wednesday 18th at 5.30am
In order to accommodate our various user groups, there will be a shuffle of programs and the spaces they will operate out of.
Please make note of the following timeline and changes:
Monday 16th September
Gym open from 5.30am until 7am only
Teen Gym will not run
Lap swimming as per usual.
Marlins Squad as per usual
Program Pool closed between 11.30am and 3pm
Creche as per usual
Group Fitness

  • Classes as per usual in the morning until 11.30am

  • Pilates will not run (11.30am and 7pm)

  • Move to Improve will not run

  • Evening 6.15pm will run out of the temporary Outdoor space at rear of building

  • All Aqua classes as per usual

Tuesday 17th September – CENTRE CLOSED BETWEEN 10.45AM AND 3.30PM
Gym Closed
Teen Gym will not run
Lap swimming until 10.30am and then again from 3.30pm ONLY
Program Pool open until 10.30am and then again from 3.30pm ONLY
Group Fitness

  • All Aqua classes as per usual

  • All High Intensity classes will operate as per Active World in the Outdoor space

  • All Wellness classes will operate as per Active World from the Living & Learning Centre in Monbulk

For more information regarding the Living & Learning centre please visit this site:
Wednesday 18th September
Gym for the duration of the repair works:

  • Gym Cardio will operate from the Café space

  • Gym Weights and Pin Loaded machines will operate from the GX Room

Group Fitness

  • All Aqua classes as per usual

  • RPM classes will operate temporarily from the Café space and bikes can be utilized outside of set class session times in this space

  • All High Intensity classes will operate as per Active World in the Outdoor space

  • All Wellness Programs will operate from the Living and Learning Centre in Monbulk

  • Move to improve will operate from the Outdoor space

  • Marlins Squad Strength & Conditioning sessions with Denham will continue in the Outdoor space

Please be patient with us as we build the new classes in Active World. They will be available for you to book into shortly. Moving forward, all classes in Active World will be up to date regarding day, time and location of class.

Dance Members – Toby will be in touch with you with more detail
Crèche Members – Tania will be in touch with you with more detail around alternative child supervised options.
We thank you so much for your continued understanding and patience as we, yet again, go through this together. We have an amazing community at Monbulk Aquatic Centre as well as fantastic staff so your patience and kindness is greatly appreciated.

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